Monday, February 12, 2024

 Blog Post #5 

EOTO Response

I found the topic of carrier pigeons to be fascinating. I had no idea how complex this form of communication was. During the time sending messages could be a tedious process. But carrier pigeons made this easier. Instead of using horses or walking by foot, you can send a pigeon with your message and it will come back home.  

They have an internal homing beacon that includes a want to return home. They register where they were born and raised as "home" and will return to this 
destination.  With enhanced senses like smell, vision, and hearing they are able to guide themselves home. There sense of direction is guided by an internal magnetic compass they use with Earths magnetic compass that puts them in the right direction. They also use landmarks to find general areas. 

Sending a message is actually simpler than it may seam. If you want to be able to receive messages from someone you would send your carrier pigeon to them. They would attach the message to the pigeon and then your pigeon will return home therefore bringing the message to you. 

I thought the story of the carrier pigeon during war time was very touching. This pigeon was sent with a message but ultimately was shot, injuring and blinding it.  However, it perceived and delivered the message. I think this showed how reliable this communication system can be although it seems like such an unconventional form to us now. 

I also found it very interesting how carrier pigeon use has developed in today's world. Although there are now more efficient ways to send messages via text messages or email, people are still finding a use for carrier pigeons. This is for smuggling drugs. I thought this was a very surprising development.  People thought a carrier pigeon is the last place to look for contraband and it can be smuggled without detection. 

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