Monday, February 12, 2024

 Blog Post #6


The Antiwar and The American Conservative sites were exciting sources I would've never encountered. These sites would not pop up if I simply did a search about today's news. Thinking about the mainstream media outlets today like CNN and Fox, you would never read anything like what you see on these two websites. This is because these two sites go against what the government wishes to put out there. The government is pro military so anything antiwar goes against them. These organizations would not want to be a part of that. One main reason might be that it could endanger any government sources they have. Another reason could be the audience of the mainstream source. I can't help but wonder if major media channels want to broadcast news from a specific perspective to align with their audience's viewpoints. The information on and The American Conservative write for the peoples benefit. It's only to produce the information for the public to remain informed, no other hidden agendas. In my opinion, that can't be said about the major media channels. 

The Antiwar site was very intimidating at first. The influx of numerous different headlines made it almost impossible to know where to start. The American Conservative also had very intriguing headline articles. After reading a few articles, I truly realized how much information I wasn't getting from mainstream sources. These sites provided unfiltered fact-based information. All of these articles and reports are crucial current news stories. 

These websites and assignment showed me how the government does censor information. I think these two sites show how important it is to seek out all types of information. It proves that our mainstream outlets are only a tiny portion of what's out there. 

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